employee of the month

Free printable employee of the month certificate in six different colors with your company logo. You can edit the text if you would like to change the wording. If you want to add your company name or any other text, just click on the “A” to add any text you want. You can drag it around. We also offer an employee of the month template with a plaque design that you can print on paper or cardstock. There are two versions – with the employee’s photo and without a photo. See also the certificate of recognition template.

Employee of the Month Template

Each printable frame is available in a different color, with or without, a photo.

Template With Picture

employee of the month certificate
employee of the month

Without a Photo

Employee of the month certificate
Employee of the month certificate template
employee recognition

Since you can change all text, you can use these certificates for any purpose such as employee of the week, employee of the year, staff of the month certificate, or even any unrelated award.

How to Customize the Certificate

  1. Select the template that you want to use.
  2. Edit all the text.
  3. Upload the company logo.
  4. If you selected a template design with a photo then upload the photo.
  5. Download as a PDF file (the page icon).
  6. Print.

Printable Award Plaque

Create an “Employee of the month plaque”. This certificate looks like a plaque but prints on paper like a certificate.

award template


An employee of the month program can motivate staff to work harder.

The secret to a successful employee of the month program is to ensure that all staff knows what exactly a model employee is. If someone does not know how management defines a model employee then they will not know what to aim for and they will be left feeling frustrated.

How to start an employee of the month award

Set goals for the program

Do you want employees to be more motivated? Do you want them to work more hours? Sell more products? Make more calls to prospective clients? Before you present the program decide exactly what you want to achieve. Once you have defined your goals set a target. For example, if you want to improve sales set a target increase in sales. Once you know how much you stand to gain you will know how much the program is worth to you and if it is worth budgeting it accordingly. For example, if you stand to gain tens of thousands of dollars as a result of increased effort then it is probably worth it to budget a prize that will be more of an incentive and get workers to put even more effort into their attempts to win the prize.

Set clear parameters

The parameters should be clear to all. They should understand what accomplishments are expected of them and which characteristics and values are appreciated and recognized. Once you have set objective goals it will be very clear to all who the award should be given to. This is very important to prevent frustration and people feeling like favoritism was a factor. Once everyone knows that the person who put the most hours in or sold the most products will win the award then this will boost spirits and prevent bad feelings. The goals should be able to be reasonably attained by most people else they will lose interest. The parameters can either be performance-based or you can recognize dedication and effort. The problem with the latter is that it is more difficult to be objective and might cause negative competitiveness among colleagues.

Decide on the prize

The prize will depend on what your budget is and how much you stand to gain from the concept. If you can afford it you can give a weekend away or a voucher for dinner for two. It doesn’t have to be expensive if your budget doesn’t allow for it. You can give a day off, a parking space for a month, or just a printable employee of the month certificate without any prize.

Present the program

Present the program to your staff and outline the goals and parameters. Ensure that everyone understands what you expect of them and how they can win the prize. Explain what the prize will be.

Ask for employee feedback

This will make them more involved and ensure that they understand the program and your expectations.

Other Similar Awards you Can Create With Our Free Certificate Maker

Since the text is editable, you can use these printable certificates for any purpose. Here are some possible ideas.

Certificate of Recognition

A certificate of recognition is a great way to recognize employees for effort, achievement, or results.

Achievement of the Month Award

Why not try an “Achievement of the Month” award? Each month, award this to the person who has achieved the most such as the salesperson who sold the most products. This encourages staff to not only make an effort but ensure they get results. See Certificate of Achievement

Customer Service Award

The customer service award can be presented to people who gave excellent service or went above and beyond.