Use these printable certificates to reward toddlers who have completed the potty training process and further encourage those who have nearly completed the process. Even if they are not officially potty trained you can give them a certificate. It will motivate them to continue.

potty training certificate

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Potty training certificate

Potty award Potty training awards Printable Potty training awards

Toilet training certificate

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You cannot push children into doing anything that they are not ready to do including potty training. However, you can present opportunities for them to learn and reward them when they do. Rewarding them with a “potty prize”, sticker or reward certificate will motivate them to continue their potty training even when it becomes frustrating and it probably will at a certain stage.

Potty training cannot start until kids are ready, but even when they are ready, it is a matter of practice and training. According to Tracy Hogg (Secrets of the Baby Whisperer for Toddlers), it is better to encourage rather than pressure your child. Award certificates are a great way to encourage your child. Tracy recommends that you praise your child wildly when she deposits something in the toilet bowl – not when she just sits there. Some children will feel rewarded and motivated when their parents rejoice in their toilet success, others will prefer to receive a prize or certificate. Do what works for your child to motivate and encourage them to complete the potty training process.

There are many more certificates for kids available on this site.

Potty training tips

One of the most important potty training tips is patience. You need to only start the potty training process when your child is ready and proceed at his pace. You can’t rush him.

Consistency is equally important. Once you have started potty training be consistent. If you are planning a trip then wait to start after the trip. Try to find a period when you will be home for about a week if possible. Once you have started, take your child to the potty every time he needs to go. If your child goes to day care then make sure that they are going to cooperate. You can’t potty train at home and use diapers at day care. It will only confuse your child.

Praise your child. Make a big deal out of every small success. Tell everyone is who prepared to listen how wonderful your child is when they are present. They will love the attention and want to continue deserving this positive reinforcement.

Use rewards to motivate your child. You can use the potty training awards above. You can also give a small “potty prize” each time your child is successful. This can be a small piece of candy, stickers or another small prize.

Buy a potty together with your child. Let your child choose her potty. She will be more excited about the process when she chooses it. It can be a potty with her favorite character or in her favorite color. Allowing her to choose it will make her feel part of the decision to start and take ownership. Find a potty that she enjoys sitting on. Many kids feel too intimidated to sit on the toilet. The hole is too big and it might be too high. A potty helps them feel more secure and safe.

Use disposable underwear or no underwear if you prefer not to use disposable. You child is probably going to miss or not make it to the potty a few times before she is potty trained. Cleaning underwear is not something you are going to want to do all day. Try disposable underwear which will make your life a lot easier. If you are not into disposable products then why not let your child go without underwear. If you are alone at home it won’t be a problem and it will save you a lot of work. It also increases the chances of your child’s success because she doesn’t have to stall to take off her underwear. When she is more proficient, she can start getting used to that step. Right now, she has enough to worry about.